Benefits of Online Memory Games [Guest Post]

Games are a fun and worthwhile activity that many enjoy. Not only do they have major entertainment value, each type can offer its own unique benefits. For instance, physical games make us healthy and strengthen our bodies, intellectual games increase our knowledge, and memory games help our brains become sharper.

Do you have difficulty remembering names or faces? What about paying attention during a lecture? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, believe it or not, memory enhancing games are the way to go.

Why are these types of games so great? Check out just a few of the reasons below:

Helps Exercise the Brain

When you play online memory games on a consistent basis, you are actually exercising the brain and increasing its level of alertness. You can reap this benefit from playing memory games for at least 30 minutes and up to an hour every day.

Helps Improve Concentration and Focus

A distracted mind cannot concentrate. And, in this digital age, where there are so many options, concentration and focus levels are not what they were.

However, when we play entertaining, rewarding, and challenging activities (think real money memory games like the ones at that keep and retain our attention) we can help boost our levels of concentration and focus.

Helps Prevent Memory-related Illnesses like Alzheimer’s

As we age, memory loss is inevitable. But, while it cannot be halted, it can be slowed with the help of online memory games. When you play these types of games and exercise your brain on a regular basis, the brain is being active, which it can help significantly slow down memory-related diseases and illnesses.

Helps Enhance Other Brain Functions

There are some who believe that that memory games can not be beneficial or useful in their day-to-day life. But, this is completely untrue. When someone plays memory and brain games on a regular basis, not only will you be able to enhance your memory but other skills as well. Some of these include focus, concentration, cognitive skills, attention level, and reading and reasoning skills.

Memory games were created to help the brain think critically and strategically. And, when you begin to master the games that you are playing right now, there are a ton of other memory games, with various levels of difficulty, that can train and boost the brain's power holistically.

Memory Changing Categories

To the naked eye, it may seem that the games on the memory game website are just that. But, this perception will change after playing one or two games. One of the best games to try is called the brain reflection test. This type of game helps determine the brain's ability to learn about purpose and human nature.

Brain stretching is another fun way to boost the brain's power. This type of game usually comes in the form of a mathematical or crossword puzzle. These games make sure that you use critical thinking and logic to find the solution.

Brain stimulation activities, like Sudoku, are great for keeping the brain healthy. In Sudoku, the player must enter numbers (from 1-9) so that each row and column has one instance of each numeral. In order to successfully complete a game like Sudoku, one must use their logical minds and patience, two things that strengthen the brain.

Memory games are an efficient and entertaining way to pass the time and develop your cognitive skills. And, that's not all, they can help boost your confidence and self esteem. Furthermore, if played on a regular basis, these games can increase the brain's power and make you wiser and sharper.

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21: Ways to Train Your Brain [Guest Post]

Working on your focus and concentration can improve your overall intelligence, stave off debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s, and give you a more alert, more in tune day-to-day life.

A lot of people look to specialized games and riddles when it’s time to exercise their brains. And while they certainly come in handy and allow you to work on concentration and overall cognitive function, a lot of games you wouldn’t expect can produce the same results.

Take blackjack as an example. Blackjack, or 21 as it’s often called, is one of the most popular games out there period. Whether it’s at an online casino, a land-based casino or at your kitchen table, 21 is wildly popular and easy to play.

But how does it qualify as a brain training game?

Blackjack can help you in a few essential areas, including memory, math and even on-the-spot reasoning/rationalization.

Due to the nature of this game, if you’re expected to be any good at playing and hope to actually win, you will need to memorize certain things about the game. For instance: how many cards have been dealt with a 10 value as opposed to how many cards are left in the deck?

There are 16 cards in a 52-card deck with the value of 10, and more often than not, it’s going to help to know the odds of catching one of these cards either to put you in a good position to best the dealer’s hand or to keep you from busting out of the hand by totaling over 21.

You don’t have the luxury of sitting around all day and plotting your next move, either. When you play online blackjack, you have to think fast. You will eventually learn to recognize your odds in a split second. You’ll take in how much to bet, whether to hit or stay, what the dealer’s possibilities are, etc, all in the blink of an eye.

When you learn how to play and become adept in blackjack, you’re actually training your brain in many ways which will help you in other areas of life.

Not everyone out there is a gambler, to be sure, but simply playing a few rounds for fun is an easy and effective brain exercise.

Associative Play

Anbother video tutorial, this time about the Associative Play feature of Concentration - the Memory Games. Both 'related image' association and simple 'image to description' association are covered.

When two card sets in a card set pack allow image associations the image association feature is enabled. When playing in this mode card pairs are made of closely related images, not identical ones.

Card sets with subtitle descriptions enable another feature: simple association. Images are then paired with their descriptions.

Associative Play • Pounce and Wag and Braille Script Demo

For a full effect watch the video in 720p HD and full screen.

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Assocciative Duel Play [5.0] »